2024-10; 2024-11
Tech stack used: HTML/JavaScript + TailwindCSS
A simple landing/portfolio page to showcase my development skills. Not much to add to it, pretty much speaks for it self. Hosted with GitHub pages.
P.S.: Project will be redone on Blazor with Content Management CRUD operations. Current version is simple static page.
2023-08; 2024-02 - 2024-03
Tech stack used: ReactJS, Redux & Firebase
Simple trivia applications created with ReactJS for hosted events at Vilnius municipal library. One variant is to commemorate Vilnius 700th birthday with 22 trivia questions and other variation was for a hosted Literature trivia game.
2024-11 - present
Tech stack used: ASP.NET Core Web Api, MSSQL (Back-end) & Blazor (Front-end)
A Full-stack project to implement a MOOC type learning platform similar to udemy and Coursera.
P.S.: Project is actively being worked on free time. Not all features are currently present such as UI and most of the API endpoints.
[Finished; To be updated]
2024-06 - 2024-07; present
Tech stack used: ASP.NET Core Web Api, MSSQL (Back-end), MongoDB
A Back-end project created as a final project at Vilnius Coding School training. Emulates the simple back-end of billboarding listing application.
P.S.: Project will be updated to include a UI.
[Finished; To be updated]
2024-08 - 2024-09; present
Tech stack used: ReactJS, NodeJS, TypeScript, MongoDB
A Front-end focused application for business that works with various home maintenance services. A final project of IamJunior training.
P.S.: Project will be updated to be containerized, UI element polish and deployed
Portfolio page
A portfolio static page hosted via GitHub pages
Trivia Apps
Simple trivia apps created with ReactJS for library events
MOOC Platform Project
A Full-stack project to emulate a online learning platform like udemy, Coursera
Billboard Listing Service
A Back-end final project accomplished during the training at Vilnius Coding School
IamJunior JavaScript final project
A Front-end final project accomplished during the training at IamJunior